Tag Archives: Scripting


I have started yet another open-source project: Too-OneBee. It’s both an embeddable and standalone web console for monitoring a J2EE application. It lives at Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/too-onebee/
It embeds a javax.scripting console for running scripts within the webapp, a JMX browser, a session/request/application/server context viewer, a JNDI browser.
I would like to add pluggable handlers so that, for example, one could add Spring integration, a JDBC tool (a la phpMyAdmin), etc.

Too-One Bee - Scripting
Too-One Bee - Scripting

Canyon: JSR-223

Canyon is my implementation of the concepts behind various kinds of XML-based application interface tools (XAML, Flash MXML, ZK, etc).
Canyon started off as a way to describe Echo2 (http://echo.nextapp.com) applications using XML bound together with Groovy (http://groovy.codehaus.org) scripts.
Recently I’ve been working on refactoring Canyon to support multiple widget libraries (Echo2, Cooee, Echo3, Swing, SWT, etc) and JSR-223 (aka javax.script) instead of just Groovy. Currently canyon and its bits are available on Sourceforge SVN (http://sourceforge.net/projects/canyon).

I promise I will hopefully get a half-way decent site for all these projects of mine and create some sort of community going.
