Since my previous post about the Cassandra Connection Pool, I have been progressing on another project: a Cassandra CacheStore for Infinispan.
I have published on my personal SVN repository the initial source for this CacheStore, get it at:
If you use Maven, add my repository to your settings.xml or to your repository manager (Nexus, Artifactory, etc):
which contains all required dependencies.
See the tests available under src/test for examples on how to setup an Infinispan cache backed up to a Cassandra database and how a Lucene InfinispanDirectory can take advantage of both systems.
I am working on rearranging things for potential inclusion in the main Infinispan package, so some things may change (package names). Also key expiration is not as efficient as I would like, but release early, release often is good practice, so there 🙂
great stuff. but above svn link is not working.
Yes, that was my private repo. The Cassandra CacheStore is now part of the official Infinispan distribution since 4.2.0.
ok, thanks for the info